An abdominoplasty, commonly known as a Tummy Tuck, is a surgical process done to alter the appearance of the midsection. It can be done in various ways, depending on the desired outcome. Before the procedure, the surgeon will insist that the patient keep their weight steady for around 12 months and abstain from taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements as they can cause bleeding. The patient should also take anticoagulants to avoid blood clots.
During the operation, the individual will be given sedatives and could be put under either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. A horizontal incision is made between the pubic hairline and the navel for a full tummy tuck, and the size and shape of the cut depend on the amount of extra skin. After the removal of the abdominal skin, the primary abdominal muscles are mended. Furthermore, a second incision may be made around the belly button to take away any extra skin on the upper abdomen, and the skin on the upper abdomen is pulled down and stitched in place.

What is the purpose of Tummy Tuck Surgery?
Tummy Tuck Surgery is suitable for males and females who have not been able to improve their abdominal area through diet or exercise, have excess fat, and experience sagging skin. It is especially beneficial for women whose abdominal muscles and skin have become too tight from one or more pregnancies. It can also be used to correct the skin’s loss of elasticity which is common in older persons with some overweight. Individuals who anticipate losing much weight should put off the surgery.
If there are plans for future pregnancies, the surgery should be postponed until after the baby is born since the abdominal muscles are separated during childbirth. If someone has had surgery before other than a cesarean, the doctor may not advise this procedure since it could potentially lead to abdominal issues. It is essential to think through the expectations one has for the surgery and to discuss them with a surgeon before making any decisions.
Who is Suitable for Tummy Tuck Surgery?
People who are healthy and have an abundance of fat and tissue in their lower abdominal area are the optimal candidates for Tummy Tuck Surgery. In addition to this, the individual must be able to tolerate the anesthesia that is used in the procedure, which requires a strong physical constitution, breathing, and internal organs. The individual must also be able to heal the surgical incision, which necessitates having no nutritional or tissue issues. Furthermore, they need to have a good physical appearance to gain the best outcome from the operation. Those with a weak physique and an excess of fat and drooping skin in the lower abdomen are the optimal candidates, while those who suffer from obesity have less than favorable chances of success.

How is Tummy Tuck Surgery Performed?
During a Tummy Tuck Surgery, general anesthesia is used and the surgery itself takes two to three hours. The type of technique used will depend on the amount of fat to be excised, the area of the body that needs to be worked on, and the patient’s overall health. First, the abdomen, sides, and back will be marked by the surgeon to indicate the areas where fat needs to be removed. Anesthetics will then be administered, and the surgeon will then cut and remove the excess skin and subcutaneous tissue. To restore the abdomen, back, and sides to their normal shape, non-absorbent sutures will be used for suturing the muscles in place. The removed skin will then be disposed of, and the incision sutured with self-absorbent sutures. After this, the wound will be extensively washed and drains will be placed to remove any fluid.
Varieties of Abdominoplasty
Different types of tummy tuck surgery include Full Tummy Tuck, Mini Tummy Tuck, Plus Size Tummy Tuck, and 360 Tummy Tuck, which utilizes Laser Tummy Tuck.
Mini Tummy Tuck
Mini Tummy Tuck is a medical procedure that focuses on the area beneath the navel. It is usually employed for patients who are at a regular weight but possess a bulge of fat that cannot be done away with through exercise and dieting.
Full Tummy Tuck
Full Tummy Tuck is a medical technique designed to make the abdomen flatter by taking away surplus fat and skin and toning the abdominal muscle wall. This surgery eradicates any bloating or extra skin on the stomach that does not respond to diet or exercise.
Plus Size Tummy Tuck
The Plus Size Tummy Tuck operation is intended for those who are unable to accomplish an ideal body weight for a tummy tuck. The fundamental idea of this method is to blend the process with liposuction of the abdominal region to flatten, tone, and reshape the abdomen and waist circumference.
Possible Dangers and Complications
Below are a few of the risks related to tummy tuck surgery:
Harm to the tissue or death of the tissue
Changes in Sensation of the Skin
The formation of fluids underneath the skin, i.e. seroma
Prolonged healing time
Unexpected marks.
To try and decrease or remove risk, you can:
Stop smoking. Cigarettes reduce the circulation of blood to the skin and can slow down the healing stage. Moreover, smoking increases the chances of tissue harm.
Refrain from certain medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamins, as they can result in heavy blood loss.
Maintain a healthy weight.
Abstain from the side effects of taking medication.
Average Tummy Tuck Cost
Turkey | United Kingdom | United States of America |
$ 4000 | £ 5050 | $ 6290 |
The average expense for a Tummy Tuck in Turkey is $4000, with the minimal price being $1800 and the maximum being $9550. On the other hand, the average cost of a Tummy Tuck worldwide is approximately $12,000. To understand what goes into the full cost of a Tummy Tuck procedure in Turkey, it is necessary to consider three main aspects: the surgical fee, anesthesia fee, and hospital costs. In addition, the cost of the surgery can depend on the type of technique and anesthetic used, as well as the center where the procedure is performed. The price may also be subject to the skill and experience of the surgeon.
Tummy Tuck Surgery in Turkey Brief
Operation Number | 1 session | Time to return to work | 8-10 days |
Operation Time | 2-3 hours | Recovery | 7-10 days |
Anesthesia | General Anesthesia | Persistence of Results | Permanent with a Healthy&Nutritious Diet |
Sensitivity Time | 2-4 days | Hospital Stay | 1-2 days |
Package Price | USD 4000 in Turkey |